Article 1. Denomination.

With the denomination “ASOCIACIÓN HIPPO HOUSE”, an association is constituted under the protection of the Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22nd, regulating the Right of Association, and complementary norms, with legal personality and full capacity to act, without profit motive.

In all matters not provided for in these Bylaws, the aforementioned Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22nd, and complementary development provisions shall apply.

Article 2. Duration.

The Association is constituted for an indefinite period of time.

Article 3. Purposes.

The general aim of the Association is to improve the quality of life of people affected by hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and their families, offering all the necessary support and providing the appropriate tools to know in depth, prevent, diagnose, live with and cope in the best possible conditions to this pathology and its consequences, and in particular:

a) To promote assistance, education and information to the sick and their families in the medical and social aspects, especially concerning the promotion and proportion of assistance by physicians and specialized health personnel.

b) To promote and create information, training, technical assistance and specialized management services with special emphasis on:

  1. To promote the study of rare diseases that cause recurrent hypoglycemia in the field of experimental and clinical research and their treatment, providing the necessary collaboration by inducing early diagnosis of miasms to avoid damage derived from erroneous or late diagnosis, as well as the protocolization in hospitals for their detection.
  2. Promote the establishment of appropriate hospital and out-of-hospital facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases that cause recurrent hypoglycemia, as well as the specific training of healthcare personnel.

c) To promote research into elements that improve the daily treatment of hypoglycemia.

d) To contribute to the emotional, psychological and physical support of affected persons.

e) To serve as an instrument and to represent the affected persons and their relatives before the Public Administrations and other social agents, for the defense of their interests and the resolution of the problems that affect them.

Article 4. Activities.

In order to achieve these goals, the following activities will be carried out:

  1. Carrying out all kinds of events as well as information campaigns to raise awareness of hypoglycemia, its consequences and the rare diseases that cause it.
  2. Conducting training sessions, workshops, courses, specific cycles of conferences, assemblies, seminars and discussion forums whose content is within the stated objectives.
  3. To organize congresses, fairs, cultural events of all kinds and other analogous activities for the achievement of the described aims.
  4. To establish in the national, European and international frameworks, agreements and collaboration agreements with companies, non-profit organizations, public administrations, private entities, social, academic and cultural organizations that, committed to the stated purposes, make possible the best achievement of the same.
  5. To create audiovisual contents that improve the understanding of hypoglycemia and the diseases that cause it, as well as to elaborate, edit, produce, publish, market and distribute audiovisual products of interest for the diseases that cause hypoglycemia, especially those of non-diabetic origin.
  6. Promote actions for the realization of incidence and prevalence studies of rare diseases that cause recurrent hypoglycemias as well as Promote the participation and integration of people with rare diseases that cause recurrent hypoglycemias in all spheres of society.
  7. To provide, contract, subcontract, elaborate, develop, control and execute all types of computer programs, communications and consulting and integration of information and communications technologies that are of interest to diseases that cause hypoglycemia.
  8. To design, organize, develop and promote conferences and activities of interest to children and adolescents living with hypoglycemia and their families, especially those of non-diabetic origin.
  9. To commercialize and distribute medical alert elements and similar.
  10. To promote the constitution of Provincial Federations or Autonomous Confederations where necessary, as well as to create Foundations whose social objective coincides with that of the Association.
  11. To promote the development of medical research programs in the field.
  12. To promote the creation and development of glycemic control devices.
  13. To open delegations in any part of the world where it is necessary to adequately develop any program or project.
  14. Any other lawful activity susceptible of favoring the realization of the purposes described above.

Article 5. Registered Office.

The Association’s registered office is located at Calle Rosari 18, CP 08711, ÒDENA (Barcelona) and the territorial scope in which it will mainly carry out its activities is the whole territory of Spain, as well as internationally.


Article 6. Nature and composition.

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association and shall be composed of all members.

Article 7. Meetings.

The meetings of the General Assembly shall be ordinary and extraordinary, and may be in person or virtual. Ordinary meetings shall be held once a year within four months after the close of the fiscal year; extraordinary meetings shall be held when circumstances so advise, in the opinion of the President, when the Board of Directors so agrees or when proposed in writing by one tenth of the associates.

Article 8. Summons.

The summons of the General Assemblies shall be made in writing, either by post or e-mail, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting as well as the agenda with a specific expression of the matters to be discussed.

At least fifteen days shall elapse between the call and the day appointed for the holding of the Assembly on first call, and the date and time of the meeting, if applicable, shall be stated.
date and time at which the Assembly shall meet at the second call, without there being less than one hour between one and the other.

Article 9. Adoption of resolutions.

The General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, shall be validly constituted on first call when one third of the associates with voting rights are present, and on second call whatever the number of associates with voting rights.

Resolutions shall be adopted by simple majority of the persons present or represented when the affirmative votes exceed the negative votes, and null and blank votes and abstentions shall not be counted for these purposes.

A qualified majority of the persons present or represented, which shall result when the affirmative votes exceed half of these, shall be necessary for the:

a) Dissolution of the entity.

b) Modification of the Bylaws, including the change of registered office.

c) Disposition or disposal of fixed assets.

d) Remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors.

Article 10. Powers.

The powers of the General Assembly are

a) To approve the management of the Board of Directors.

b) To examine and approve the annual accounts.

c) To elect the members of the Board of Directors.

d) To fix the ordinary or extraordinary fees.

e) To approve the dissolution of the Association.

f) To modify the Bylaws, including the change of registered office.

g) To dispose or dispose of the assets.

h) To approve, as the case may be, the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors.

i) Any other powers not attributed to another corporate body.


Article 11. Composition.

The Association shall be managed and represented by a Board of Directors consisting 
necessarily by a President and a Secretary.

The Vice-President, the Treasurer and the Members to be determined may also form part of the Board of Directors.

All the positions that compose the Board of Directors shall be free of charge.

They shall be appointed and revoked by the General Assembly and their term of office shall have a duration of 5 years.

Article 12. Meetings.

The Board of Directors shall meet as often as determined by its President and at the initiative or request of any of its members. It shall be constituted when half plus one of its members are present and for its agreements to be valid they must be taken by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

Article 13. Powers.

The powers of the Board of Directors shall extend, in general, to all acts pertaining to the purposes of the Association, provided that they do not require, according to these Bylaws, express authorization from the General Assembly.

The particular powers of the Board of Directors are:

a) To direct the social activities and to carry out the economic and administrative management of the Association, agreeing to carry out the appropriate contracts and acts.

b) To execute the resolutions of the General Assembly.

c) To formulate and submit to the approval of the General Assembly the balance sheets and annual accounts.

d) To decide on the admission of new members.

e) To appoint delegates for a specific activity of the Association.

f) Any other power that is not the exclusive competence of the General Assembly of members.

Article 14. President.

The President shall have the following attributions: to legally represent the Association before all kinds of public or private organizations; to call, preside and close the sessions held by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, as well as to direct the deliberations of both; to order payments and authorize with his/her signature the documents, minutes and correspondence; to adopt any urgent measure that the good running of the Association may require or in the development of its activities may be necessary or convenient, without prejudice to the subsequent reporting to the Board of Directors; to adopt any other measure that may be necessary or convenient for the good running of the Association, without prejudice to the subsequent reporting to the Board of Directors.

Article 15. Vice-President.

The Vice-President shall substitute the President in the absence of the latter, due to illness or any other cause, and shall have the same powers.

Article 16. Secretary.

The Secretary shall be in charge of the management of the purely administrative work of the Association, shall issue certifications, keep the legally established books of the Association and the membership file, and shall be the custodian of the documentation of the entity, ensuring that the communications on the appointment of Boards of Directors and other registrable corporate agreements are sent to the corresponding Registries, as well as the fulfillment of the documentary obligations in the terms that legally correspond.

Article 17. Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall collect and have custody of the funds belonging to the Association and shall carry out the payment orders issued by the President.

Article 18. Board Members.

The Board Members shall have the obligations inherent to their position as members of the Board of Directors, as well as those arising from the delegations or work commissions entrusted to them by the Board itself.

Article 19. Regime of resignations and substitutions.

Members may resign by voluntary resignation communicated in writing to the Board of Directors and for failure to comply with the obligations entrusted to them.

Vacancies arising for these reasons shall be provisionally covered by the other members until the definitive election by the General Assembly called for this purpose.

They may also resign due to expiration of their term of office. In this case, they shall continue to hold office until such time as their replacements are accepted.


Article 20. Requirements.

Membership in the Association shall be open to those persons with the capacity to act who have an interest in the development of the Association’s objectives.

Whoever wishes to belong to the Association must expressly request it by filling out the
admission form and sending it by mail or e-mail to the address of the Association.
address of the Association.

The Board of Directors may issue a favorable or unfavorable report on the application for membership.

Article 21. Classes.

Within the Association there shall be the following classes of members:

a) Promoters or founders, who shall be those who participate in the act of incorporation of the Association.

b) Full members, who shall be those who join after the constitution of the Association.

c) Honorary, those who, due to their prestige or for having contributed in a relevant way to the dignity and development of the Association, are worthy of such distinction. The appointment of honorary members shall correspond to the Board of Directors.

Article 22. Termination of Membership.

The members shall cease to be members for any of the following reasons:

a) By voluntary resignation, communicated in writing to the Board of Directors.

b) For non-fulfillment of the economic obligations, if a periodic fee is not paid.

c) By expulsion agreed upon by the Board of Directors when there is a serious and repeated breach of the duties contemplated in these Bylaws and the resolutions validly adopted by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.

Article 23. Rights.

The founding and full members shall have the following rights:

a) To take part in all activities organized by the Association in fulfillment of its purposes.

b) To enjoy all the advantages and benefits that the Association may obtain.

c) To participate in the Assemblies with voice and vote.

d) To be electors and eligible for the executive positions.

e) To receive information on the resolutions adopted by the Association’s bodies.

f) To make suggestions to the members of the Board of Directors in order to better fulfill the purposes of the Association.

Article 24. Duties.

The founding and full members shall have the following obligations:

a) To comply with the present Statutes and the valid agreements of the Assemblies and the Board of Directors.

b) To pay the quotas that are established.

c) To attend the Assemblies and other events that may be organized.

d) To perform, as the case may be, the obligations inherent to the position they hold.

Rights and Duties of Honorary Members.

Honorary members shall have the same obligations as founders and full members with the exception of those set forth in paragraphs b) and d) of the preceding article. Likewise, they shall have the same rights with the exception of those contained in paragraphs c) and d) of article 23, and may attend the meetings without the right to vote.


Article 26. Financial Resources.

The economic resources foreseen for the development of the purposes and activities of the Association shall be the following:

a) The membership dues, periodic or extraordinary.

b) Subsidies, legacies or inheritances that may be legally received by the associates or third parties.

c) Any other lawful resource.

Article 27. Assets.

The Association, at the time of incorporation, has no assets.

Article 28. Duration of the fiscal year.

The associative and financial year shall be annual and shall close on December 31 of each year.


Article 29. Dissolution.

The Association shall be dissolved voluntarily when so resolved by the Extraordinary General Assembly, convened for that purpose, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of these Bylaws.

Article 30. Liquidation and use of the remainder.

In the event of dissolution, a liquidation committee shall be appointed. Once the debts have been extinguished, the liquid surplus, if any, shall be used for purposes that do not detract from the non-profit nature of the Association.

In Madrid on April 22nd, 2024